Friday, November 11, 2005

Drink Me

Drink Me, a visual poetic piece created during the graduate course on Visual Poetics, taught by Nick Carbo at the University of Miami. The art piece focuses primarily on Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking- Glass, the classic tale of the accidental adventurist. Drink Me employs the tale's charactors and themes as vehicals in expressing other ideas of conservative social circumstance and the absurd insistance of racism in modern times. The artwork/ book was created using a basic book binding technique as the catch-all and also, by collaging found images and texts to tell the first surrealist installment of the poet's story. (Above, selected scenes from the book and below, excerpts from the text.)

“…and eternity, much shorter than realized,

can do the dishes in the morning,” she mused. ...

...They were infinite in their control,

virtue being rewarded with operas

and silly maps of accidental stars

from the comedy called Pamed by Mr. Edgar, the white rabbit....

....The hillside so verdant and fragrant,

she fell in love with, at least, the word ‘verdant’.

“What a curious place,” she mused....

a visual poetic piece by

A. P. Stone


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